The need for speed (and song)

June 21, 2024

In a departure from our normal routine, this summer’s company-wide updates by the CEO and the leadership team have been delivered virtually. This is principally to allow our summer get-together to have an entirely social focus. We chose this time around to centre the event on go-karting, and took over an electric indoor track in London for the evening.

The more mature amongst the team were able to quote a variety of lines from the original Top Gun, although any false bravado quickly diminished as one of our young work experience colleagues looked set for a podium finish. Over a closely fought set of heats a number of our senior architects eventually moved into the lead – surprising those who normally see them in huddles grappling with complex client problems and muttering in arcane terms about how AI might eventually be everything, but its certainly not everything all at the same time at the moment, despite what certain industry pundits would have us believe. In the final race though, delivery obsession won out, as one of our key Account Directors took first place. He is, however, a competitive ride-on lawn mower endurance racer – and we have all had to admit that this must be a real hobby after all!

With adrenaline still flowing, we then moved into a karaoke session – replacing the need for speed, with the need for a tune. Any tune. And we will quickly gloss over that part.

As ever, it was great to see so many together for the evening, as both our secure client site delivery and remote working policies mean these social events are particularly important as the team continues to grow.