The next generation

May 17, 2024

Following on from the success of last year's industry talk, Aker's Head of Service Design and Transition Kato Mistry was invited back to his old secondary school (Lawrence Sheriff School in Rugby, Warwickshire) to talk to their 2024 Year 12 cohort of computing students.

This year's talk included a lot on the advancements that have taken place in the world of technology that affect both Aker and the industry as a whole. The most impactful of these was the rise of AI and this generated a lot of interesting questions from the students as it's the one advancement that will likely have the biggest impact on their careers.

Once again, the students warmed quickly to Kato, showing a genuine interest in how the work they do in school translates to real life.Following the talk they all came away energised and excited about their potential futures in IT.

Kato's has kindly been invited back to speak to next year's cohort which he's looking forward to doing as part of Aker's ongoing commitment to support the next generation of IT professionals.